Featured Book

Featured Publication

Ukraine: The Good, Bad and the Ugly

A unique real life story. Join the journey of a battle-hardened military veteran turned chaplain as he embarks on a mission to war-ravaged Ukraine. His task? To pioneer innovative approaches for providing aid and forging fresh connections amidst the chaos of conflict. Experience the triumphs of his mission alongside the harrowing ordeals he faces on the front lines. Unearth the real struggles confronted by humanitarian workers and non-governmental organisations as they tirelessly strive to deliver essential assistance to the most at-risk populations.

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Ukraine the good bad and the ugly

Please feel free to submit your choice for featured publication and ideas for promoting book publication.

Book marketing strategies can vary depending on the target audience, genre, and goals of the author. However, being featured in publications can significantly boost the visibility and credibility of a book. Here are some tips on how to get featured in publications as part of your book marketing strategy:

Identify Relevant Publications: Research publications that cater to your book’s genre, niche, or themes. Look for both traditional print media and online publications, including blogs, online magazines, and literary websites.

Craft a Compelling Pitch: Once you’ve identified potential publications, tailor your pitch to each one. Highlight why your book would be of interest to their audience and how it aligns with their content.

Provide Press Materials: Along with your pitch, provide press materials such as a press release, author bio, high-resolution book cover images, and any relevant excerpts or reviews.

Offer Exclusive Content: To entice publications to feature your book, offer them exclusive content such as an excerpt, an author interview, or a guest article related to the book’s themes.

Build Relationships: Establish relationships with editors, journalists, and bloggers in your niche. Engage with their content on social media, attend industry events, and offer to provide value in any way you can.

Utilize Your Network: Leverage your existing network of contacts, including fellow authors, literary agents, and industry professionals, to get introductions or recommendations to relevant publications.

Be Persistent but Polite: Follow up on your pitches if you don’t hear back within a reasonable timeframe, but do so politely and professionally. Editors receive numerous pitches daily, so persistence coupled with politeness can make you stand out.

Offer Review Copies: Provide review copies of your book to publications for consideration. Positive reviews can increase the likelihood of being featured and can also serve as social proof for potential readers.

Utilize Book Launch Events: If you’re planning a book launch event, invite editors, journalists, and bloggers to attend. Offering them a firsthand experience of your book can increase the chances of coverage.

Monitor and Share Coverage: Once your book is featured in a publication, monitor the coverage and share it on your website, social media channels, and with your email list. This not only amplifies the reach of the feature but also showcases your credibility as an author.

Remember that getting featured in publications is often a gradual process that requires persistence and patience. Keep refining your pitches and building relationships with key influencers in your industry to increase your chances of securing coverage for your book.